“虎年”的英语可不是 tiger year!看看虎年英文怎么说?虎年大吉呀各位!中国的生肖文化已传承了两千多年,在我们的传统审美中,生肖文化更是代表着“吉祥、祝福、和谐”的文化,具有丰富的色彩和寓意。
new year’s resolution 新年决心
📝讲解:Resolution 本意是「决心」的意思。new year’s resolution 指的就是「人们在新的一年中要做成的某件事情或者说目标」。
📍例句1:How many times have we made a New Year’s resolution, and which of the resolutions have we actually achieved?
📍例句2:My new year’s resolution is to travel more.
ferocious 凶猛的 /fə‘rəʊʃəs/
📚同义词:fierce, violent, savage
📍例句1:Behind one of these doors is a ferocious tiger.
📍例句2:He had a lively sympathy for animals and his painting of a playful and a ferocious tiger is his finest work.
In me, the tiger sniffs the rose. 心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。
📝讲解:It expresses the beautiful connection between something so fierce and something so delicate. 这句话就是说「老虎也会有细嗅蔷薇的时候,忙碌而远大的雄心也会被温柔和美丽折服,安然感受美好」。
04.paper tiger 纸老虎
📝讲解:虽然 paper tiger 这个表达是直接从中文中直译过来的,但是已经成为英语中的一个固定表达, 形容「外强中干的人」。
📍例句1:The new management team tries to command respect through lots of blustery speeches, but all of us workers just see it as a paper tiger.新的管理团队试图通过大量虚张声势的演讲来赢得尊重,但我们所有的员工只是把他们当作一只纸老虎。 📍例句2:The new laws are just paper tigers without any method of enforcement.新的法律只是纸老虎,没有任何执行方法。
05.have a tiger by the tail 骑虎难下 📝讲解:Tail 就是「尾巴」的意思, have a tiger by the tail. 这句话直译就是「抓住老虎的尾巴」。如果松开手,肯定对付不了凶猛的老虎。但是抓住老虎尾巴不放,看来也是凶多吉少,因为实际上本来也没有任何制服老虎的可能。所以have a tiger by the tail 就相当于中文中「骑虎难下」的意思。Have a tiger by the tail means to have embarked on a course of action which proves unexpectedly difficult and risky but which cannot easily or safely be abandoned. 📍例句1:I wouldn’t go down the road of high-risk investments like those—you might end up with a tiger by the tail.我不会走这样的高风险投资之路–因为最终很可能骑虎难下。
📍例句2:Now that I have to work so closely with the CEO on this project, I feel like I have a tiger by the tail.跟公司老总一起工作有种骑虎难下的感觉。
06.the tiger cannot change his stripes 江山易改,本性难移
📝讲解:Stripes 就是指的「老虎身上标志性的条纹」, 这种与生俱来的东西肯定是无法改变的, 在英文中 a leopard cannot change his spots 也表示「江山易改,本性难移」。A person cannot change his or her essential nature or character, especially if it is bad.
📍例句:After our breakup, he came crawling back, trying to convince me that he’d changed, but I know that the tiger cannot change his stripes.我们分手后,他回来试图说服我他已经改变了,但我知道江山易改,本性难移。
the lady or the tiger 两难之选
📝讲解:An outcome or resolution to something that is unknowable or unsolvable.
📍例句:The film closes on a lady-or-the-tiger ending.
08.put a tiger in one’s tank 如虎添翼
📝讲解:Tank 是「油箱」的意思,这个短语最早出现在1965年埃索石油公司打出的一句广告宣传语,put a tiger in your tank,这个公司的吉祥物就是一只老虎,后面这句话逐渐成为流行语,表示「强劲有力,如虎添翼」。
📍例句:The company had a tiger in its tank in the late ’90s, a seemingly unstoppable juggernaut in the industry.在90年代末的时候这个公司像是如虎添翼,是行业中势不可挡的绝对主宰。